Environmental Management

Environmental Policy

The MOL Group established the "MOL Group Environmental Policy Statement" for preservation of marine and global environments, which is common issue facing the group and society as a whole. The contents of the policy statement shall apply to all business activities, including due diligence, M&A, and so on. We ask all our group employees to comply with the statement, and request the cooperation of our business partners, including our suppliers. In addition, we have established "Supplier Procurement Guidelines," which include the perspective of environmental coservation.as a summary of issues on which we request the cooperation of our business partners.
For details, please visit "Responsible Procurement."
The MOL Group Environmental Policy Statement has been approved at our Executive Committee.

MOL Group Environmental Policy Statement


As one of the world's leading multi-modal companies actively involved in a variety of social infrastructure businesses in addition to its traditional shipping businesses, the MOL Group is committed to protecting and enhancing the health of our marine/global environment for future generations, and consequently promotes and supports the following policies:


  • Protect all aspects of the marine/global environment in all our business activities and foster safe transportation.
  • Comply with all environmental legislation and regulations required by law, and establish an environmental management system and set environmental protection measures based on our framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets. Take corrective action through active dialogue with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Be aware of the impact of our business on the ecosystem and seek to conserve the environment by taking measures against climate change, prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution, and protection of biodiversity, such as; energy conservation, resource conservation, recycling, reduction of waste, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, effective effluents management and treatment, and control of toxic substances emissions.
  • Procure products, materials, ships, and ship recycling (shipbreaking) that take the environment, safety, and human rights into consideration.
  • Develop and use marine/global environmentally safe technology.
  • Educate and encourage group employees to focus on the protection of the marine/global environment through enhanced publicity efforts, and communicate our Environmental Policy to all group employees.
  • Publish our Environmental Policy Statement, monitor the proper disclosure of our environmental data and information is taking place, and regularly disclose environmental matters.
  • Always strive to ensure that our business practices contribute to and adequately support environmental protection activities, and build relationships of trust with stakeholders.

Established in September 2000
Revised in March 2003
Revised in April 2022

Environmental Management System

The MOL Group views environmental issues as an important management topic, and it has established its environmental management system with the president & CEO as the chief executive officer. The Sustainability Committee, a subordinate under the Executive Committee, serves as the main deliberative body on environmental initiatives (Chairperson; Chief Financial Officer, Vice Chairperson; Chief Sustainability Officer). The Board of Directors is responsible for the oversight of environmental initiatives by holding discussions on sustainability, such as overall strategies for sustainability management, including the environment and analysis of the external environment, and making decisions on particularly important matters discussed by the Sustainability Committee.
Our group's environmental management system, "MOL EMS21" has acquired ISO 14001 certification, and uses the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle to promote continuous improvement. "MOL EMS21" defines the roles, authorities, and responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer (President) and the person responsible for environmental management (the chairperson of Sustainability Committee), and defines methods to comply with laws, regulations, and requirements in ISO14001 standards, and so on.
We will enhance the transparency of various environmental data to stakeholders inside and outside the company, through timely and appropriate disclosure, build trustworthy relationships, and improve environmental awareness through participation in and support of various environmental conservation activities including environmental education.
Aiming to achieve net 0 emissions across the entire Group by 2050, as set forth in the new MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1 formulated in June 2021, we collaborate with the Corporate Planning Division and the Headquarters of Technological & Digital Transformation to implement a variety of strategies, including the introduction of clean alternative fuels, the introduction of more energy-efficient technologies, deeper efficient navigation, and the development of low-carbon businesses, in order to promote environmental initiatives.

(as of April 2024)

Environment and Sustainability Committee FY2023 Environment-Related Agenda Items (reorganized as "Sustainability Committee" in April 2024)

  • Compliance with the European Union Emissions Trading system (EU-ETS)
  • Report on GHG emissions and emissions intensity   etc.

Environmental Audit


Under MOL EMS21, which has been in operation since 2001, the division in charge of the environment conducts internal audits every year, and all offices and divisions within the scope of ISO 14001 certification are subject to the audits. (※) If any significant issues are found as a result of the audits, we implement measures for improvement, along with the division in charge of the environment, and confirm the effectiveness of the measures in the next year's audit, thereby striving for continuous improvement. The audit results are reported to the Environment & Sustainability Committee, which confirms that this system is functioning effectively.

In addition, to confirm the appropriateness of the environmental management system, DNV Business Assurance Japan K.K., an external third-party auditing organization, has been conducting regular audits once a year and renewal audits once every three years since 2003, and we maintain ISO 14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems.

* Scope of certification:Management of Ship's Safe Operation and Environmental Technology Support, and Management of Ship Management Company (ships and ship operational activities are excluded.)
Apply to Headquarters of Dry Bulk Business (including MOL Drybulk Ltd.) , Headquarters of Energy Business, Headquarters of Product Transport Business and Corporate Organization

Environmental communication

The MOL Group proactively disseminates information on the status of environmental impact reduction, environmental conservation activities, and other initiatives, and communicates with internal and external stakeholders. Feedback from stakeholders is reviewed internally and used to improve our initiatives.

Communication Examples

  • Integrated Report "MOL Report"
  • Sustainability Fact Book
  • Exchange opinions with NGOs and external organizations
  • ESG small meetings for investors
  • Exchange of opinions with government agencies, etc.
  • Participation in environment-related initiatives (Climate change, Biodiversity)
  • Sustainability Committee
  • In-house study meetings (Number of in-house study meeting in FY2022 : 18)

* For more information on how we communicate with stakeholders, please refer to "Stakeholder Engagement."

MOL Environment Database

We have introduced the MOL Environment Database for consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and overseas. We use Eco Track, a SaaS-type environmental management information service, to collect environmental impact data (Fuel consumption, electricity, paper, waste, etc.) from each company once a year.

  Group Companies in Japan Group Companies in Overseas
Number of target companies 46 35

Acquisition Status of ISO14001 (FY2022)

Companies within the group that have acquired ISO 14001 certification account for approximately 52% of our group-wide revenues.

Company name
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
MOL Logistics Co., Ltd.
MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd.

ISO 50001 Certification

Company name Acquired date Certifying institution
MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd. July 2014 Class NK
MOL Ship Management(Singapore) Pte. Ltd. November 2014 Class NK
Magsaysay MOL Ship Management,Inc. June 2015 Class NK

MOL Group Companies with Green Management Certification
(Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation)

Company name Acquired date
International Container Transport Co., Ltd. October 2005
Meimon Taiyo Ferry Co., Ltd. December 2005
Green Kaiji Kaisha, Ltd. March 2006
Ferry Sunflower, Ltd. May 2006
Nihon Tug-Boat Co., Ltd. September 2006
Utoc Logistics Corporation February 2007
Kobe Towing Co., Ltd. March 2007
Utoc Corporation June 2007
Green Shipping, Ltd. July 2007
Shosen Koun Co., Ltd. October 2007
Ube Port Service Co., Ltd. November 2007
MOL Ferry Co., Ltd. March 2010

EcoAction 21 (Institute for Promoting Sustainable Societies)

Company name Acquired date
MOL Techno-Trade, Ltd. July 2007