
Directors' Remuneration Policy/System

Policy for determining directors' remuneration

Company Policy for Decisions on the contents of individual remuneration for directors[224KB]

Remuneration Advisory Committee

MOL follows objective, transparent procedures to determine the individual remuneration of directors, according to resolutions by the Board of Directors based on deliberation/report of the Remuneration Advisory Committee chaired by an outside director. In addition, the committee reviews the directors' and executive officers' remuneration system appropriately to examine the ideal form for directors' remuneration, including incentives for long-term enhancement of corporate value, from an objective standpoint focusing on "stakeholders' viewpoint."

Overview of the Remuneration Advisory Committee
(Fiscal 2022)
  • Percentage of outside directors: 60%
  • Review frequency: 9 times/year
  • Chairman: Outside Director Etsuko Katsu
  • Members: Chairman Junichiro Ikeda
    President & CEO Takeshi Hashimoto
    Outside Director Hideto Fujii
    Outside Director Masaru Onishi
Main Agenda Items in Fiscal 2022
  • Details of payment of single fiscal year performance-based compensation for directors and long-term target contribution-based compensation in FY2021, and remuneration for directors in FY2022;
  • Revision of non-executive director remuneration plans;
  • Peer group review to ensure the appropriateness of remuneration levels;
  • Evaluation of officer remuneration plans introduced in FY2021;
  • How to establish and evaluate qualitative targets for Chairman and President;
    and other matters

Remuneration for executive directors

Overall structure

The structure of remuneration for executive directors including the MOL chairman and president & CEO is prescribed as follows.

Standard remuneration structure
(Model remuneration upon achievement of performance target)
Image of directors' remuneration payment by achievement
  • * "Upon achievement of performance target" is defined as reaching ¥100 billion in consolidated ordinary profit, which is the assumption used in designing the MOL directors' remuneration system, and as an achievement level is "standard" in long-term target contribution-based remuneration.
  • * The above diagrams illustrate calculations based on a certain level of the Company's business performance and share price.
Remuneration classification Weight Period Time of payment Outline/Calculation method
Monthly Remuneration (Cash) 60% 1 month Next month Monthly remuneration is paid as fixed remuneration based on responsibilities to encourage robust business execution.
Single Fiscal Year Performance-Linked Remuneration (Cash) 20% 1 year June of next year

Single fiscal year performance-based remuneration (cash) is paid as variable remuneration reflecting short-term performance.

  • (1) Consolidated Ordinary Profit*1
  • (2) Safe Operations KPI and 4ZEROES Benchmark*2
  • (3) Achievement level for profit plan of the business division the director is in charge of
  • *1 Based on financial index in the "BLUE ACTION 2035" management plan from the viewpoint of motivating directors to achieve the plan.
  • *2 KPI and Benchmarks are set to further foster safety awareness at MOL. For details on the index, please refer to "Safe Operation Management Structure".
Long-Term Target Contribution-Based Remuneration (Stock) 20% As shown in the chart below As shown in the chart below Performance-based remuneration (stock) system is adopted with the objectives of linking mid-to-long-term stock prices and business performance, and further share value with shareholders through increased shares held by directors (excl. outside directors) and executive officers.
In this system, the remuneration is paid by share according to achievement level of a predetermined stock price index and performance index/target in a certain evaluation period of time. In addition, part of the remuneration is paid in cash with the objective of providing funds needed to pay taxes.

Evaluation Indicators for Long-term Target Contribution-based Remuneration

Long-term target contribution-based remuneration (performance-based remuneration (stock))
Indicators Weight Period Payment time Reason for choosing this indicator and details of evaluation
(a) Comparison of the Company's Total Shareholder Return (TSR) and growth rate of Tokyo Stock Price Index
(b) Comparison of the Company's TSR growth rate to competitors' TSR growth rates
30% 3 years At the time of retirement Incentive to increase share price
ROE 40% 1 year At the time of retirement Incentive to improve profit attributable to owners of parent and increase efficiency of shareholders' equity
Individual medium- to
long-term contribution targets
30% 1 year At the time of retirement
  • Promote initiatives in the current fiscal year that will show results in future years, in order to enhance corporate value
  • The evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer and other executive directors of the Board reflects the progress of climate change measures and other ESG-related initiatives.

Remuneration for non-executive directors

Remuneration for non-executive directors, including outside directors, consists of basic compensation (monetary compensation) and stock compensation (restricted stock) not linked to performance (both fixed compensation), in order to implement shared shareholder value in addition to supervising business execution.
This remuneration system was newly introduced from fiscal year 2022, with a change to a structure in which 10% of the existing fixed monetary compensation amount of 100% is replaced by restricted stock (approximate).

(*) The above chart is a guide to the compensation ratio based on the assumption of a certain unit price of the company's shares.

Remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board members is determined based on discussions between the members within the limits approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders, with consideration given to whether or not an Audit & Supervisory Board member serves in a full-time capacity, the amount of auditing work assigned, and the levels of director remuneration. Bonuses and stock options are not provided to Audit & Supervisory Board members.

Remuneration Performance

For details of executive remuneration, please refer to "Sustainability Data".